The arms of law are indeed very long!

In a strange case, Gujarat Police finally was able to resolve a 27 year old kidnapping case.

It seems a 21 year old man, had eloped with a 19 year old girl from Mehsana in 1997.

The father of the girl had filed a police complaint.

27 years later, Gujarat Police finally managed to trace the offender only to realize that the offender had legally married the allegedly abducted woman a long time ago.

The woman was his wife now.

Not only that, both of them had had four daughters and the couple now had two grand children!

While Mehsana Police cracked the case, they were stunned to know that no one in the family of the girl even remembered filing the complaint.

The girls father, the original complainant had passed away in the meanwhile and his son did not know anything about the complaint.

Thankfully for the couple, the man was set free on bail immediately after arrest.

Goes to prove that the wheels of justice, law and order, grind slow but grind exceedingly small. Nothing and no one can escape the long arm of law, provided of course, there is someone in the machinery that is not giving up on old cases!

Vinod Chand

I am a veteran from the Information Technology industry. Having started my career in 1985 with a company that later became Aptech, I have virtually seen the whole industry evolve from scratch. I became an activist in 2001 after the bust in 2000. Banking, Finance, Credit Cards, Personal Loans and by extension economy and how money flows in the world are my areas of interest. These are the things that affect everyone, irrespective of their caste, creed, color, race, religion or nationality.

One of the most fascinating thing is how humans have created money and use it as a tool to subjugate others and how we, the common folks, suffer from this man made malaise.

I write about these things and try to separate the wheat from the chaff.

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